Who We Are

Feed Christ's Lambs Christian Events And Activities

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About Us

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This adventure began with the movie "God's Not Dead." I wanted to take my youth group, church, and family to see "God's Not Dead," but it wasn't coming to Emporia. However, there was a link on their website that said, "Bring God's Not Dead to your town." I clicked it and learned that I would need to purchase 500 tickets to bring the movie to Emporia. I prayed about this and was led to submit my information to be contacted about purchasing 500 tickets. Then I purchased 600 movie tickets and my wife thought I had lost my mind. I took a leap of faith that God would help me to distribute those tickets (~530 extra) to other Christians through the local churches. As I was working to bring “God’s Not Dead” to Emporia, I basically went door to door to area churches.  If no one was at the church, I left flyers.  However, when clergy or church staff had time to meet with me, I spent time sharing what I was trying to do.  I ended up bringing "God's Not Dead" to Emporia and distributed ~800 tickets to the movie. By doing this, I was blessed to meet a bunch of really wonderful people, and some of them, still keep in touch with me.  I have also learned that each of our different churches have unique events and activities to offer to the community.  To that end, I created a common Facebook page, titled “Feed Christ’s Lambs,” where we can share the wonderful events and activities our churches are doing with others in the community.  I got the idea for the Facebook page after putting together the Facebook page, "God's Not Dead in Emporia Kansas," to help communicate and distribute tickets. I would describe Feed Christ's Lambs and the endeavor I am proposing as “A collaborative effort of the Emporia/Flint Hills area churches to provide Events & Activities to Spiritually Feed Christ’s Sheep as directed in John 21:17.  I have two goals which I believe God has set before me.

First, I would like to see a day when a person could go to the “Feed Christ’s Lambs” Facebook page and find a Christian event or activity to attend 365 days a year.  There would literally be something available on every day of the year, with some days having multiple opportunities from which to choose where Christians could worship, fellowship, learn, and commune with fellow Christians and hopefully bring non-Christians into a relationship with Christ.

Second, I want to bring more Christian events to Emporia.  I want to bring more Christian movies.  I want to bring revival speakers to speak in front of packed audiences.  I want to bring Christian music groups like Newsboys, Mercy Me, Casting Crowns, etc. to Emporia.

When this first began, it was simply an idea and a Facebook page, however God seems to have larger plans.  So far, this has mainly been my own personal endeavor with some help from Christians in and around Emporia.  I titled this "Who We Are" because I soon hope to have a core group working together  on Feed Christ's Lambs.  The financial risk has been mine, but Twelfth Avenue Baptist has created a fund to allow people to support Feed Christ's Lambs with tax deductible donations in hopes that others will want to help further the vision and the work that I have started.

Feed Christ's Lambs - Christians working Together